06/06/18 – 9:30h
Antonello Podda i Lara Maestripieri (discussant)
Open seminar “Evaluate social capital in EU rural development policies”
Edifici MRA (Campus UAB, Bellaterra)
Seminari del SGR AGAPP IGOP, obert (seminari en anglès)
Antonello Podda (PhD) is a research fellow at the Department of Social and Institutional Sciences at the University of Cagliari, part of the working group for the Italian Society of Economic Sociology (SISEC), his research interests include Social Capital, Local and Rural Development and Social Network Analysis. He previously worked in EU Funded project PROTERINA-C (2007-13) and PROMETEA (2017-19). His latest publications on this topic were released on International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food (2018), Work Organisation, Labour & Globalisation (2017), Sociologia del Lavoro (2016). He has been editor of the Special Issue Pro-sumers on the move: overcoming the line between labour and consumption on Sociologia del Lavoro (2018).
Lara Maestripieri holds a PhD in Sociology and Social Research. She is Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellow at the Institute of Government and Public Policies (IGOP) of the Universitat Autònoma Barcelona, studying gender and social vulnerability in an intersectional perspective with the MSCA funded project VINE (grant agreement No 747433). She has previously worked in EU Funded project FLOWS (2011-2014), WILCO (2011-2014) and CRESSI (2015-2016). In 2015, she has been fellow at the Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Foundation. Main interests of research are focused on labour transformation in the post-industrial society, and in particular: marginalised groups on the labour markets (women and young); social innovation; emerging professions.